Thermacell Repellents

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Tick protection 101: 8 ways to keep your kids safe this season

Tick protection 101: 8 ways to keep your kids safe this season

Most of us are disgusted by the idea of ticks. And if you’re a parent, the thought of these tiny arachnids embedding themselves into our children’s skin is 10 times worse.

Unfortunately, kids are at real risk. The CDC reports that kids 5 to 9 years of age are most at risk of Lyme disease. Overall, some 75,000 youth are diagnosed with the illness each year, and that doesn’t account for other tick-borne illnesses or the cases of Lyme that go undiagnosed.

Kill Larval Ticks that Hatch in July with Thermacell Tick Control Tubes

Kill Larval Ticks that Hatch in July with Thermacell Tick Control Tubes
Tick borne diseases are on the rise in the US.  According to a recent study published by the CDC, cases of Lyme disease have quadrupled since the 1990s, making Lyme disease the most common tick or mosquito borne disease in the US (1).  Experts recommend taking steps to kill ticks in your backyard to reduce the chance of contracting dangerous tick-borne diseases. 

Tickproof Your Yard Without Spraying

Tickproof Your Yard Without Spraying
This year is expected to be one of the worst on record for ticks, and not just in the Northeast. At least one variety of disease-transmitting tick has been found in all of the lower 48 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Follow these five steps to deal with them effectively.